

The wonder berries

Welcome to Bibbona, a village located in the Bolgheri countryside, a few steps away from the Etruscan Coast: a magical place, surrounded by a warm and tranquil atmosphere, where nature turns orange: the colour of the Sea Buckthorn Berries.

Martina together with her sister Irene carry on the cultivation of this extraordinary fruit.


olivello da bere

Sea Buckthorn to drink

succo melagrana

100% Pomegranate to drink

Sea Buckthorn

Sea Buckthorn balsamic condiment

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Sea Buckthorn Pulp and Juice

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Sea Buckthorn Syrup

Sea Buckthorn

Sea Buckthorn

It is extraordinarily rich inVitamins A, C, E and B. No other fruit is so rich in vitamins, antioxidants, mineral salts and microelements
that are essential to our body: Sea Buckthorn Berries are unique.

Read the interview
Sea Buckthorn